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Lucky Ludwig's Loot

Lucky Ludwig and his gang Lucky Ludwig lost his leg at Lobositz... Discharged from the army, Lucky Ludwig got by with various shady business.  He recently got the big score, a crate of the most valuable wine in Prussia, the infamous Bluhwein, a potent liquid of the most perfect blue... Precious Bluhwein He had hid it in an abandoned ruined cottage, waiting for the local Junkers who 'lost' it to move on to the next town.  However, the Russians and Prussians had decided to have a battle right on top of it and now in the aftermath of this engagement with the various parties combing the battlefield looking for the lost and wounded, Lucky Ludwig feared his big haul may be lost. He gathered some local rabble in the tavern.  A pair of brothers who had lost the family fortune to gambling, some local henchmen, a penniless father and son and promised them a fair share of the score if they could retrieve it... He was right to be worried... For during the battle, a Russian officer na...

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